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Free Drinking Water Forums Across the Cape Fear River Basins

The Cape Fear River Assembly (CFRA) will be hosting Free Drinking Water Forums across the Cape Fear River Basins. The CFRA is a basin-wide group of diverse stakeholders including agriculture, local government, industry, academia, community based organizations, and citizens who strive to maintain and improve the quality of life in the Cape Fear River Basin by encouraging smart management of the river, its tributaries, and adjacent land use from a basin-wide perspective. CFRA is dedicated to a balanced use approach to natural resource management that preserves the river ecology while ensuring economic well-being for future generations. We do this by providing educational opportunities to improve understanding, encouraging dialogue between all interests on important issues, and championing various projects that benefit all citizens of the Cape Fear River Basin.

Each forum will be held from 4-6 pm in October across the basin and will include:

  1. Officials from the NC Department of Environmental Quality will explain drinking water regulation and monitoring.

  2. Presentation by a major drinking water supplier in the area, including how emerging contaminants are addressed.

Everyone will have the chance to make comments and ask questions about drinking water as a group. There will be refreshments and the chance to network.

Forums are free but you are encouraged to Register!

  • Elon University (Tue 10/16) McKinnon Hall of the Mosely Center 100 Campus Drive Elon NC, 27244

  • Campbell University (Thur 10/ 18) Herring Lecture Hall in Maddox Hall 217 Main Street Buies Creek, NC 27506

  • RTP The Frontier (Tue 10/23) 800 Park Offices Dr. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

  • UNC-Wilmington CMS (Thur 10/ 25) Center for Marine Science Auditorium 5600 Marvin K Moss Lane Wilmington NC 28409

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